I’m The New Sinatra

“…and since I made it here, I can make it anywhere.

I’m considering of getting a tattoo of those lyrics on my left ankle. Doing so would memorialize NYC and the ridiculous amount of abuse my feet endured as I traversed over 103 000* steps of grade ‘A’ American concrete.

Moving on.

The real reason for this quick post is to tantalize the non-subscriber with this little fun fact: I acquired a few fun things from New York to add to an already awesome line up of cool stuff for the “Ordinarystrange Care Package.” 

How do I subscribe you ask? Easy. Click the link and follow the prompts. Be sure to respond to the email you receive in your inbox, otherwise, the subscription won’t be activated. I will only enter emails in the raffle that are from “activated” subscriptions.

Don’t be jealous current Ordinarystrange subscribers because I got you some goods as well!

To conclude let me also tease with some possible upcoming posts inspired from my trip to New York:

1. What is Stephen Colbert really like?

2. Behind-the-scene pictures of the Colbert Report and Daily Show set.

3. What famous celebrities did I spot other than Rev. Al Sharpton?

4. The history of the Hipster.

Though this town never sleeps, I definitely need to. I fly to Edmonton tomorrow morning so I want to be alert enough to finish watching Green Lantern on the plane. (Peter Sarsgaard with a receding hairline? Really?!)


* My travelling mate had pedometer that measured our distance.

4 thoughts on “I’m The New Sinatra

  1. @Stacy- NYC is the greatest american city! (so far at least) I’ll have to check out Chicago and let you know 😉

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