turning old(er)…

On the precipice. A couple of minutes away.

Forgive the melodrama but arriving on the 30th stair is monumental to me. It’s a solid number, but one that carries a certain level of clout. It’s the decade that you put away irresponsibility and replace it with “grown up” burdens like an established job, a stable marriage, RRSP’s and the upbringing of your own offspring.  Idealism gets replaced by pragmatism.  These thoughts don’t take me far from sounding like some insulated child that’s been bombarded by too many “bad jokes” about growing old.

The truth is that I fear this age because it’s a whole new decade that I must face. My 20’s were seen with brimming potential marinated with innocence, ignorance and a bit of cockiness. Now, I face this new upcoming decade with more caution and realism.  Perhaps, like “Blue” I must understand that this isn’t such a bad thing. What remains ahead is a mystery. Maybe I’m fooled into thinking that with maturity comes predictability.  My wife has also continually reminded me these past “30 days of celebrating 30” that each day is a surprise and a gift. Not only did she give me presents for the last 30 days but she’s also opened me up to see that I remain the luckiest man alive.  As she lays beside me tonight I’m reminded that I face the next decade with a wife that loves me, a family that supports me, friends that encourage me and a God that knows me.  Is there any better way to face grey hairs?

1 thought on “turning old(er)…

  1. Welcome to the world of the blog my friend. Glad you got it up and running. Nothing will ever be the same again now that you are hurtling towards 40. You think 30 is bad? Next year I will be closer to 40 than to 30. EEK! Anyway, all that to say, Welcome to the 30’s man!

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