The Books that Read Me in 2010

This year I had made it my goal to read 1 book every 2 months. Clearly this year I surpassed that goal. But who’s bragging?  Can I get my “bookworm” bookmark now?  I still remember the day when my dad decided to reinforce my grade 1 teachers plan to get me to read in English.  I was only 6 and couldn’t read Spanish let alone speak and read English. I was functionally illiterate in 2 languages!  You could say I learned to read through the school of “Hard Knocks”. Literally. With his knuckles, my Dad would knock my head every time I stumbled on a word. It was his goal to get me to read one simple sentence one particular morning. The page had a dog and a turtle facing each other with the caption: “Tell me a story”. The fact that I know what that caption said is a testament that I learned to read in English that very morning and that I had a very bruised head.

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