Here at ORDINARYSTRANGE, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge a very important person. On Saturday July 26, Kelsey will be celebrating her 29th birthday. Or as I like to remind her, “the last of your 20’s”. So, in tribute to her I want to share with you 29 facts you might not know about her.
1. Her favourite drink is chocolate milk.
2. She knows the entire Jay-Z rap of the Mariah Carey song, “Heartbreaker”.
3. She can finish the entire Nintendo Mario Bro’s video game in under 10 minutes.
4. She has competed in many horse riding competitions.
5. She used to hate mushrooms, but now she loves them.
6. Her many nicknames include, “Tuzzy”, “Willow”, and “Gooby”.
7. She’s my best friend.
8. Her weakness are chips.
9. She once rode on the same flight as Shawn Desmond.
10. She is a tender-hearted mother who fiercely, selflessly, and graciously cares for her sons every day.
11. She dislikes inauthenticity in others and in herself.
12. She is a great listener.
13. Seniors have a special place in her heart.
14. Peanut butter is her favourite.
15. Great Dane dogs are her favourite.
16. She has a terrible habit of always leaving half-filled cups of juice or water around the house.
17. She can fit her entire fist inside her mouth.
18. When she worked at Costco, she was a super fast and efficient packer.
19. Colouring is her favourite.
20. When she was little, she loved to put on her mom’s make-up and jewellery.
21. In Irish, Kelsey means, “brave”. Which aptly describes her.
22. She once graced the front cover of an Edmonton fashion magazine.
23. Back in the day, she worked as a “lunch lady” for an elementary school.
24. She’s travelled across Europe with her friend.
25. She has a heightened sense of empathy towards the pain of others.
26. To her, doing “small talk” is the worst.
27. She has an intuitive sense of intelligence that allows her to read people and situations in ways some of us find difficult.
28. She can listen to a song once or twice and then know all the words by heart.
29. She is a continuous example of strength, grace, and beauty to me and the boys. It is rare for her to complain or shake her fist to the heavens. Instead, she chooses to see the “good” in the gifts Creator gives her and with little effort, she smiles brighter than the sun. She never feels the need to post anything on social media because she’s THAT cool (and humble). I’m astounded by the growth of character, virtue and depth of insight over the years. Actually, I feel very fortunate to be along for the ride.
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Happy birthday KELSEY!
PS – Omar is old and smells like cheese.
Kelsey is beautiful inside and out!!! Much love, the Hendratas
Argh!! 3rd times the charm right?!?!
*you are just awesome!!
Hit post too soon.
Kelsey- the world is definitely a better place for having you in it. You are just
Kelsey- the world is definitely a better
Oh, Tuzzy! You are one of my fave people. Sometimes I still can’t believe you married my oldest bro! Haha, but you became my sister and made me an auntie to a couple of the most beautiful boys around! Love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Enjoy your last year in your 20’s……29 together today! Whoot!
I love this. I’ve admired Kelsey since I met her. She is definitely a person I would love to spend more time with 🙂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelsey!!!