
I can mention some of the subdued hilarity between John C. Reilly and Jonah Hill to tell you how funny this film is. I can also tell you that there are some moments of sublime tenderness between Reilly and Marisa Tomei that left me feeling like I was newly in love. But I can’t tell you how I came up with the following:

“We all have ‘Cyrus’ in our lives. A ‘Cyrus’ can be defined as anything that keeps us from facing reality and thus impacting our ability to mature and experience true connection to life. For example, it can be something as banal as the need to be fashion conscious. We can rationalize and justify our desire to look ‘sharp’ but it can betray a deeper truth that maybe our identity is wrapped around the acceptance of others. We seldom connect the dots that what we purchase at High Grade is directly related to our inner ‘Cyrus’. From our point of view there is nothing wrong or immature about covering up our insecurities with designer fabrics.  The mom does not see the unhealthy relationship she has with her son until the new guy steps in. Maybe, the cause of some of our relational messes stems from other people’s ability to see the ‘Cyrus’ within us and our inability to acknowledge it. The tragedy is that we can go all of our lives without ever questioning why we have a 22 year old overweight, toxic, juvenile man baby living within us.”

Watch the movie and maybe you’ll be able to decipher how I drunk stumbled onto this thought.

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